Friday, December 21, 2007

Field of Blue

I just completed this little landscape earlier in the week. This barn is located in the northern part of Kansas City out near where some friends of ours live. I was quite taken by the blue wildflowers and quickly crawled out of the car to snap several pictures before meeting our friends for lunch. The pictures were taken earlier in the year of course.
This painting is planned for one of the shows I'm working on for next year, however, I'm willing to let it go if you're interested.
"Field of Blue" 11"x14" Oil/Canvas ($180 Unframed, includes S/H in USA)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy, Merry, Joyful

I know this isn't a normal entry for me but I couldn't resist sharing this with you. If you're a little confused about what the world is celebrating this time of year this should clear that right up for you. =^)

Give a big warm round of applause for two friends: Jaime Oppenheimer and Carter Green and have a Happy, Merry, Joyful Holiday...whatever that might be.
(Click on the picture to go to Scruffins Multimedia Blog and listen to the song.)
