Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Longaberger Basket

This pen and ink drawing is of a small Longaberger basket titled "Discovery Basket 1492 -1992". This is one of the many Longaberger baskets in my wife's collection. I must say I have a fondness for these baskets myself.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Spartus six twenty Camera

I just started a new Moleskine and this is the first pen and ink drawing in the book. I must say that I love old cameras; there is something about the thought of these old cameras capturing moments in peoples lives and the effort it took to see the results. There was always that time of anticipation and sometimes excitement when you first got the pictures back. Who knows if the pictures this little camera produced are still around. I hope they are stuffed in a dusty photo album somewhere with names on the back telling someone somewhere about a moment when the world was much younger.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Art on the Trail

I had a great day of painting. I participated in Art on the Trail at the Great Plains Nature Center in Wichita, Kansas. I was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the wind was practically nothing except an occasional gentle breeze. What more could you ask for as a plein air painter. Thank you to all the folks at the Great Plains Nature Center, it was fun.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Silver Ornament & Art Presentation

Yesterday I gave a presentation on art to a group of ladies. I hope it was interesting, I know it was too long, but it's tough to shut me up when I'm talking about something that I'm so passionate about. I gave this little 5x7 inch painting away in a drawing. Ladies if any of you are reading this, I had a wonderful time yesterday, I hope you did as well.