Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kansas Country Road

This is a Kansas landscape I painted this evening. It is a metric sized canvas so its not even inches. The basic size is around 39"x12". I haven't done a landscape for a while.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Lucy is a wonderful dog that belongs to my dear little friend Ashley. I painted this painting of Lucy as a Christmas present to Ashley. I hope she likes it.

Heffron Cellars

This is a commission I finished up over the weekend. It was a blast to paint, I hope Gene likes it. Merry Christmas to everyone.

I'm back to painting regularly so expect more frequent posts.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Be Back To Painting Soon!

"Out Back of Burton's"
16x20 in. Oil/Canvas
I haven't disappeared from the face of the earth. I started a new job on the first day of December and it has been all consuming along with the all consuming Holidays. I've been busy building a website and doing all kinds of graphic design work besides working my regular job so painting has been pushed to the back burners. I'm ready to get started again. So, I'll start posting again soon. I the mean time here's an older painting of a little farm that's about three blocks from where I live.