Friday, June 22, 2012

Leroy Puts Down His Brush

Leroy Neiman AP Photo - Bebeto Matthews

We lost another American Artist this week. Hats off to Leroy Neiman, may we observe a moment of silence as we consider the incredible color-filled painting he gave the world. Some I know hate his work, some love it, and some could care less. In any regard, he was brave enough to ignore the critics and paint the way he wanted to,what he wanted to and became the master at his craft. How many of us can say that. ~

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Primaries

"The Primaries" 5"x5" Oil/Panel

Can't you just smell the oil paint? I've used several different brands of oil paint since I started painting a little over eight years ago. I'm currently using Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Talens Rembrandt. I started out using Winsor & Newton's Artisan water mixable oils and didn't really like them. I'm getting ready to try Holbein's Duo and Talens' Cobra to see which one of these water mixable oils I like the best. Does anyone have any experience with either of these water mixable brands?  


Kindyl 10"x8" Oil/Panel

Leonardo da Vinci said, "Art is never finished, only abandoned." I realize I could do more on this portrait of Kindyl but I think the few adjustments I made since the last post bring it to a point where I'm satisfied with it. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Kindyl 10x8 Oil/Panel

As a general rule I don't paint using other people's photos. I will occasionally if I have their permission to do so and I'm struck by the image, or if it's a commission and I don't have access to what I'm painting to take my own photos. This is painted from a photo that Kindyl took herself and I thought captured her personality so I used it as reference material. Of course the lighting was bad and her color was washed out but that's what you get when you take a picture with a phone. The painting is a practice painting and will never be exhibited except on my website and here and will certainly not be for sell. It may wind up as a birthday present or something because rumor has it she'll turn sweet sixteen soon. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

The National Small Oil Painting Exhibition 2012

Trois Poire 5x7 Oil

I entered this painting and two others in the National Small Oil Painting Exhibition to be held at the Wichita Center for the Arts September 7th - October 21st. I'm looking forward to hanging in the gallery next to many nationally recognized artists.  

Plein Air Painting

Skeet Sirmons painting in Barber County, Kansas

Plein air painting is something that I enjoy doing on occasion especially when I can get together with other painters and share the experience. I'm not really much of an outdoors kind of person unless it's a beautiful day with a little breeze, the temperature is cool and the bugs are at bay. I know that I need to get out of the studio more and paint landscapes from life. Where else would I get to occupy space with a curious bumble bee or two.