Friday, May 30, 2014

Thank You Robert Genn and Maya Angelou

Robert Genn (1936 - 2014)
On Tuesday one of my favorite artists passed away. I admired him not so much for his paintings, he was a master painter, but for his kind and gentle heart and his wisdom. He arrived in my in-box twice a week for these past few years and I listened like a disciple sitting at the master's feet. Sara, his daughter is the keeper of his spirit and will continue his work eventually making it her own. She has the gift. I morn with her and her family. I celebrate a life that has left a brilliant and vibrant stroke. In the weeks and months ahead I will wait for echos from the past and listen for a new voice as we all move toward the horizon. Thank you Mr. Robert Genn.

Maya Angelou (1928 - 2014)
Dr. Angelou once said, "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." Maya Angelou gifted the world with the poetry of her heart and soul. She illuminated her journey and her experience in a world filled with prejudice and always recognized the blessings in spite of it. On Wednesday she passed on but what she left behind is the treasure of a life lived with grace beauty. Thank you Dr. Maya Angelou. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

My mix of Bronze Radio Return's "Mister, Mister"

I recently finished mixing a song called Mister, Mister by the band Bronze Radio Return. The mix is part of a contest on The song was recorded by the folks at Telefunken featuring their fantastic microphones. 

I've mixed and participated in several of these mix contests with the idea of having a great time mixing and not necessarily winning. There are a lot of killer mix engineers out there participating in these contests. It's fun to throw my mix out there and see what happens.  

Give my mix and others a listen by clicking here. Tell me what you think.