Sunday, November 25, 2007

Round Bales of Hay

There's something about big round bales of hay that grab my attention when I'm traveling down the highway at 70 miles an hour...ok, maybe a little faster than that. Perhaps it's because when you live in Kansas they tend to help break up an otherwise monotonous landscape.

This post is of my most recent painting. I actually haven't done a landscape for a while so it felt good to try my hand at atmospheric perspective. Enjoy.

Summer Rolls - oil on panel 12"x24"

Contact me if you are interested in this painting:

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Painting of St. Nicholas

I thoroughly enjoyed painting this little painting of St. Nicholas. My wife collects Father Christmas figures and she asked me to do a small painting for a wreath she was putting together for a charity auction at our church. The wreath was beautiful and my little painting added a little more spice to the mix. The sold at auction, but now she wants me to paint a couple of more, one for her, and one for you. I might just do that.
St. Nicholas, 5x5" Oil on Panel SOLD.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Play Me A Memory

I have been working on this painting off and on for months and I finally have brought it to a finish, at least I thing so anyway. I'll put it this way, I signed it. The painting is of a friend of mine, Greg Ewing. He and I play in a old-time gospel band called Zebedee's Blunder but I wanted a painting of him playing the piano. The title comes from an old Billy Joel song "Piano Man" which came to mind about half way through the painting. I like naming paintings after songs or with a song in mind, perhaps that is an attempt to connect my paintings to the music side of me.

There was originally a lot of stuff in the background but I wanted to give the feeling of Greg playing the piano on stage. Overall I'm pretty happy with the results, that is as happy as I ever am with my paintings. It'll probably be in a few shows this year so perhaps you'll see it hanging somewhere along your life's journey.