Saturday, November 3, 2007

Play Me A Memory

I have been working on this painting off and on for months and I finally have brought it to a finish, at least I thing so anyway. I'll put it this way, I signed it. The painting is of a friend of mine, Greg Ewing. He and I play in a old-time gospel band called Zebedee's Blunder but I wanted a painting of him playing the piano. The title comes from an old Billy Joel song "Piano Man" which came to mind about half way through the painting. I like naming paintings after songs or with a song in mind, perhaps that is an attempt to connect my paintings to the music side of me.

There was originally a lot of stuff in the background but I wanted to give the feeling of Greg playing the piano on stage. Overall I'm pretty happy with the results, that is as happy as I ever am with my paintings. It'll probably be in a few shows this year so perhaps you'll see it hanging somewhere along your life's journey.

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