Saturday, March 15, 2008

Our Daily Bread Finished

I just love it when I think I'm finished with a painting! I say that because, as I have said before, I often find things that I need to correct or change or something. Anyway, here it is for the world to see. I'm going to let it rest for a while before putting it in the frame and hanging it in the parlor at the church.
My wife, Mardon', is a wonderful interior decorator and she is close to putting the finishing touches on a redesign of the parlor at the First United Methodist Church here in Wellington,Kansas. The room actually serves as our Sunday School room as well as basically the living room of the church. I'll post a final picture of it actually in the room once it is framed and hung over the fireplace.
Well, now on to wrapping up the paintings for my show in May at the Coutts Memorial Art Museum in El Dorado, Kansas. The Coutts gallery is a large space that requires a large number of paintings to fill it (about 30-40). I will have around 25 paintings ready by May for the show and two lovely ladies who are fantastic artist graciously agreed to fill out the rest of the show. It is such a pleasure and honor for me to share this show with Mary Binford Miller and Nancy Whitaker. Go out to their websites and pay them a visit.
I'll keep you posted as we get closer to the artist reception on May 2nd.

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