Saturday, September 29, 2012

Meeting My Hero

Richard Schmid and Me

I had a wonderful opportunity to meet one of my super heroes this afternoon. Richard Schmid was at the Wichita Center for the Arts for the unvailing of his painting Abbotsford House. The painting is truly amazing as is Mr. Schmid, he is such a genuine gentleman and perhaps the greatest living least in my book. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day

Michelangelo's Isaiah to Rockwell's Rosie the Riveter

Happy Labor Day everyone! I have always loved this image of Rosie the Riveter by Norman Rockwell. As an artist I don't try to hide the fact that Norman Rockwell is really one of my favorites artist and the fact that he borrowed from the classics like Michelangelo's Isaiah to come up with a classic pose really doesn't bother me either. As artists we should all spend time studying the classics and applying them to our work when we can.  
Rosie, at least for me, is one of those artistic moments that comes to mind when I think of Labor Day. It's also a symbol of the hard work and effort everyone displayed at a difficult time in our history. 
If you are employed, be thankful. It is a blessing to have work to do. s 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Amber's Song - Demo

This is a song I wrote some time ago but I had never recorded. The song is about a young lady who's life was cut short. Hold those you love close in your heart and be sure to tell them you love them. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Red Dirt Town - Demo

Another little tune I wrote and recorded in the Scribble Room (that's what I call my the basement).

Be Careful With My Heart - Demo

This is a little song I wrote and recorded in my recording area is the same area I paint in. Enjoy. 

National Small Oil Painting Exhibit Entries

I delivered these two paintings to the National Small Oil Painting Exhibit to be held at the Wichita Center for the Arts. You can find out more by clicking on the link. The title of the two paintings is Trois Poise and Old Green GMC. I hope I'll be able to note one of them as a winner soon. This is my first time to do a show of this caliber so I'm sure I won't win anything but it's an honor and a privilege to just be a part of the show. Maybe I'll get them sold, that would be nice. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Super Ryan

"Super Ryan" 18x24 Inch Oil/Canvas

This antique airplane is called the "Super Ryan" and was built in 1941 as a military training plane. The painting is a commission that I have been working on for quite some time now. It's finally finished and will be exhibited this coming week in the Kansas Wheat Festival's "Downtown Art Exhibit" in Wellington, KS. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Leroy Puts Down His Brush

Leroy Neiman AP Photo - Bebeto Matthews

We lost another American Artist this week. Hats off to Leroy Neiman, may we observe a moment of silence as we consider the incredible color-filled painting he gave the world. Some I know hate his work, some love it, and some could care less. In any regard, he was brave enough to ignore the critics and paint the way he wanted to,what he wanted to and became the master at his craft. How many of us can say that. ~

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Primaries

"The Primaries" 5"x5" Oil/Panel

Can't you just smell the oil paint? I've used several different brands of oil paint since I started painting a little over eight years ago. I'm currently using Winsor & Newton, Gamblin and Talens Rembrandt. I started out using Winsor & Newton's Artisan water mixable oils and didn't really like them. I'm getting ready to try Holbein's Duo and Talens' Cobra to see which one of these water mixable oils I like the best. Does anyone have any experience with either of these water mixable brands?  


Kindyl 10"x8" Oil/Panel

Leonardo da Vinci said, "Art is never finished, only abandoned." I realize I could do more on this portrait of Kindyl but I think the few adjustments I made since the last post bring it to a point where I'm satisfied with it. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Kindyl 10x8 Oil/Panel

As a general rule I don't paint using other people's photos. I will occasionally if I have their permission to do so and I'm struck by the image, or if it's a commission and I don't have access to what I'm painting to take my own photos. This is painted from a photo that Kindyl took herself and I thought captured her personality so I used it as reference material. Of course the lighting was bad and her color was washed out but that's what you get when you take a picture with a phone. The painting is a practice painting and will never be exhibited except on my website and here and will certainly not be for sell. It may wind up as a birthday present or something because rumor has it she'll turn sweet sixteen soon. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

The National Small Oil Painting Exhibition 2012

Trois Poire 5x7 Oil

I entered this painting and two others in the National Small Oil Painting Exhibition to be held at the Wichita Center for the Arts September 7th - October 21st. I'm looking forward to hanging in the gallery next to many nationally recognized artists.  

Plein Air Painting

Skeet Sirmons painting in Barber County, Kansas

Plein air painting is something that I enjoy doing on occasion especially when I can get together with other painters and share the experience. I'm not really much of an outdoors kind of person unless it's a beautiful day with a little breeze, the temperature is cool and the bugs are at bay. I know that I need to get out of the studio more and paint landscapes from life. Where else would I get to occupy space with a curious bumble bee or two. 

Monday, May 28, 2012


"Corsage" 5x5 inch Oil Canvas/Panel $60

My wife, Mardon', is a wedding coordinator and occasionally she brings home a little token like this little corsage. It was just calling for me to do a little alla prima painting of it, so I did.  

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lock On A Date Nail

"Lock On A Date Nail" 7x5 inch $90
I'm always looking for interesting things to paint, interesting to me that is. This is an old Keline lock that I decided to hang on a railroad date nail from 1956. I have another painting entitled "Key On A String" and just so you know that key doesn't fit this lock. It would be kind of cool to see them hanging together in your home or office. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Barber County, Kansas in Plein Air

"Barber County Wheat" Oil 5x5 inch Panel

"Barber County Bluffs" Oil 6x8 inch Panel

Spent last Wednesday morning in Barber County, Kansas, doing some plein air painting with David Vollbracht and five other artists from the Wichita, Kansas area. It was a beautiful morning with a gentle breeze. We had lunch at Buster's in Sun City, Kansas. I broke my tripod and right off the bat but I was able to still use it. I had my camera with me but unfortunately no replacement batteries so of course it was dead. I guess I will have to rely on my memory and the two paintings I managed to get done. Looking forward to another trip to Medicine Lodge in the near future. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Art At The Arb

I'll be at the lovely Bartlett Arboretum in Belle Plaine, KS this weekend for the "Art At The Arb". I have some new paintings I've done for the show and some that have been with me for a while...they are ready to find a new home. Stop by and say hello and enjoy the Arboretum.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"Trois Poire" or "Three Pears"

"Trois Poire" 5x7in Oil/Canvas Panel $90

These pears are from my neighbor's tree. Thanks neighbor.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Old Green GMC"

"Old Green GMC" 5x7 inch Oil/Panel $90

I love old farm trucks and tractors. This was an old GMC I found tucked away in a hedge row a while back and I decided to do a small painting of it. I have a few more in my resource library that I'm sure I'll get to eventually.

Profile of a Sock Monkey

"Profile of a Sock Monkey" 5x5 inch Oil Panel $50

My wife said she read that sock monkeys were making a comeback! She just happens to have one her grandmother made her some $#%??? years ago. He's been sitting up on a shelf in one of the bedroom closets and I decided he needed to come down and sit for a portrait. I say it's a he...I'm not really sure. How do you tell with a sock monkey?

Monday, January 16, 2012

After Byong Hwa Son's "Blood of My Lord"


This is a little 7x5 inch oil on panel painting I did from an Upper Room Cover (March - April 2010). I love the original painting entitled "Blood of My Lord" by the Korean artist Byong Hwa Son. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything on the artist on the internet.

I wanted to see if I could capture the essence of the original painting and possibly learn something from the experience (it's all learning). I like the results. This painting was done only for the purpose of study and is not for sale.

Monday, January 2, 2012

"With This Bread and Cup"

"With This Bread and Cup" 8x10 inch Oil Canvas

This is one of my favorite things to paint and is a reoccurring theme in my work. Art for me has a very spiritual connection and this theme makes it even more so.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Key On A String

Key On A String 4x6 Oil Panel

This is the first painting of the year. I am committed to doing much more painting this year than last year. Which isn't saying much because last year was bad as far as painting goes. I'm an artist and this is the work the Good Lord means for me to do so I need to be doing it.