Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day

Michelangelo's Isaiah to Rockwell's Rosie the Riveter

Happy Labor Day everyone! I have always loved this image of Rosie the Riveter by Norman Rockwell. As an artist I don't try to hide the fact that Norman Rockwell is really one of my favorites artist and the fact that he borrowed from the classics like Michelangelo's Isaiah to come up with a classic pose really doesn't bother me either. As artists we should all spend time studying the classics and applying them to our work when we can.  
Rosie, at least for me, is one of those artistic moments that comes to mind when I think of Labor Day. It's also a symbol of the hard work and effort everyone displayed at a difficult time in our history. 
If you are employed, be thankful. It is a blessing to have work to do. s 

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