Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm A Gamblin Man

Yes, it's true I am a Gamblin man...that is I use Gamblin Artist's Oil Colors almost exclusively. I've tried a lot of paint brands but I continue to return to Gamblin and their great line of colors. 

Why Gamblin?
Well I'm glad you asked that! There are a number of reasons:

1. The quality of the paint is superior.
2. Gamblin is concerned about artist's safety.
3. They have a great line of colors.
4. They look to the quality of the past with an
    eye to the future.
5. They are made in Portland, OR 

I'm looking forward to see what Robert Gamblin has in the works for the future. 

Where Can I Find Them?
If you haven't used Gamblin Artist's Oil Color, I invite you to try it. They are available online or if you live in the Wichita, KS area you can pick them up at Bluebird Arthouse at 924 W Douglas in the Delano District.

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