Friday, September 19, 2014

DEMO - "Ball of Thread" - Part 2

To start with I cut this 6x6 inch panel out of a larger 1/8" MDF panel I had and then gave it several coats of gesso with a touch of sanding in between each coat. I used a spray gesso which worked great, it went on smoothly and evenly. I prefer painting on a smooth surface rather than a surface with brushstrokes or even canvas texture.  

I then toned the panel with burnt umber using thinned down oil paint with Gamblin OMS and I let that dry for several days. I prefer painting on a toned surface just to kill the white and unify the painting a bit.

I worked out the size and placement of the arrangement with vine charcoal and brushed away everything except the lightest of lines; some of the charcoal lines disappeared altogether. 

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