Friday, February 19, 2016

SOLD! Two Paintings: "Harmony" and "Classics"

"Classics" 8x10in Oil/Linen Panel 

"Harmony" 10x8in Oil/Linen Panel

I just received notice from the Online Gallery I am a member of that I sold two painting. These two paintings were purchased by an interior designer in New York who has purchased my work in the past. 

I'll miss these two paintings especially "Harmony", it's one of my favorites. 

Check out if you're interested in purchasing art online or you are an artist wanting to sell you work online. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Blueberries and Spoon - 10x8in Oil/Panel

Blueberries and Spoon 10x8in Oil/Panel $260

It's been a while since I posted anything on my blog. It's not because I haven't had things going on, I definitely have been painting. 

This year my goal was to paint at least 52 paintings which is only one painting a week. That goal didn't seem too out of reach except that I'm several paintings behind already this year. I promise I will get caught up and get them posted on this blog. 

This is a painting that was inspired by Pinterest post I found. I don't find anything wrong with being inspired by other artist's or photographer's work, it happens all the time actually with most artists I would say. I of course don't believe in copying someone else's work and claiming it as my own. In any case I was please how this turned out.