Friday, February 12, 2016

Blueberries and Spoon - 10x8in Oil/Panel

Blueberries and Spoon 10x8in Oil/Panel $260

It's been a while since I posted anything on my blog. It's not because I haven't had things going on, I definitely have been painting. 

This year my goal was to paint at least 52 paintings which is only one painting a week. That goal didn't seem too out of reach except that I'm several paintings behind already this year. I promise I will get caught up and get them posted on this blog. 

This is a painting that was inspired by Pinterest post I found. I don't find anything wrong with being inspired by other artist's or photographer's work, it happens all the time actually with most artists I would say. I of course don't believe in copying someone else's work and claiming it as my own. In any case I was please how this turned out.  

1 comment:

Helen said...

I love the elegant simplicity of the blueberries and spoon.
Very nice.