Thursday, July 12, 2007

Up for Auction

Hi everyone -

I haven't blogged for a while. It's been crazy busy is the only excuse I can come up with. I wanted to let you know that I have a few paintings on eBay right now for auction. They are small oil paintings either 5x7 or 6x8 so go out and take a look if you're interested in picking up a small unframed painting to give as a gift or just to frame and hang in your own abode. The painting I have pictured above, "Grandpa's Pipe" is one of the paintings that is currently out there.

I've been busy with the band lately. Zebedee's Blunder, which is an old time gospel bluegrass band, has been at work with a couple of gigs. We are actually scheduled to play tomorrow evening in Wellington, KS for the the Wheat Festival street dance. The show starts at 9:00pm and we are the first on followed by a rock and roll band called Smuggling YoYos. It should be a lot of fun. Zebedee will have our two CDs for sale around their somewhere. Come out and join us if you get a chance.

All for now.

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