Saturday, July 28, 2007


It's been a little while since I've posted. I've been working on a larger painting so I really haven't had anything to post. Today I do have a small painting that I finished a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to let it dry a bit before photographing it.

This is a little 5" x 7" piece called "Elements". It's basically a Eucharist painting with the elements of communion. I actually love painting this subject because, for me, it is so much a part remembering who I am as Christian. The wine and the bread are really the only two symbols Christ gave us to remember him. So much of our focus is on the cross but that is a symbol we have associated with Christ rather than something he gave us as a means of remembrance. So, the next time you sit down with a glass of wine to break bread with one another, either casually or formally, take a moment and thank God for the greatest gift he's ever given. S

Let me know if you are interested in this painting

"Elements" Oil/Canvas Panel (5"x7") Unframed - $70

Visit me on the web:

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