Thursday, October 25, 2007

Art Presentation - Art is about Relationships

This past Tuesday night I did a program for a group of very gracious ladies. They asked me to do a program on the arts so I gathered a few paintings together along with the little 5"x7" painting that I have included here. We did a drawing for this painting and the lady that won it was delighted. The program was basically about how art at it's basic level is about relationships. Relationships between God and man, man and man, man and the earth, etc. I then talked about relationships within the art itself which was basically dealing with composition, values, edges and color. This was the first time I have ever done a presentation on art and, although I talked way to long, they all seemed to have a good time and they were full of questions. I hope I have more opportunities to do this in the future, I had a blast. >Skeet.

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