Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More of Frisco Jack

Well, I am getting closer. I still need to work on the guitar and hands and then clean things up a bit. I should be done with this one sometime next week. It's been fun to do.
What are your thoughts on this one? All feedback is welcome.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Uno Vino - Small Painting of A Glass of Wine

When it comes to wine, the only thing I can think of that's better than painting a glass of wine is drinking a glass of wine. In this case I did both. This was my "occasional" glass of merlot that I decided to paint alla prima (in one sitting) last night.
This isn't a particularly good photo so the painting looks a little better in person than it does here.
Let me know if you're interested in this small painting.

"Uno Vino" 7"x 5" oil on canvas/board, $70 unframed, postage paid in USA.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Painting of Frisco Jack Continues

I finished up the face, for now anyway, and worked on the background. Now it's time to start working on the the rest of Frisco Jack.
I stated in my last post that I would talk a bit about my palette. I use a fairly limited palette consisting of mostly Talens Rembrandt oil paint and a couple of Winsor Newton colors. I use Webers Permalba White, Cadmium Yellow, Yellow Ochre Light, Cadmium Red, Permanent Madder Deep, Transparent Oxide Red, Ultramarine Blue, Ivory Black. That's it. Every once in a while I do use an additional color if I can't seem to get the right mix with my regular palette. I don't use any mediums except a little linseed oil occasionally.
It's probably going to be a couple of days before I can get back to Jack so keep painting and keep in touch.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Oil Painting of Frisco Jack Revisited

Here's the next post of Frisco Jack. I didn't get to spend as much time on him this past Tuesday as I thought I would. I worked primarily on the face and one of the window panels. I'll continue to branch out from there trying to be a little looser the farther from the center of interest I get.
This picture was taken a little after 10:00pm on Friday. It's beginning to emerge from the canvas a bit. So far so good.
Tomorrow, if I have time, I'll post my palette so you have some idea what I'm using to make this painting happen.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I recently returned to the pencil for these to drawings of Rembrandt. He is one of my favorite painters so, I thought I would do a couple of his self-portraits. I'm planning to do one more. These small drawings (4.75"x 3.75") will hang in my office.
I'm thinking about continuing to do some pencil work. Drawing is what I grew up doing and I'm itching to return to it. I'm sure it will help my painting as well.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oil Painting of Frisco Jack

I have watched other people do this on their blogs and I thought I would try it myself. What I'm talking about is photographing the progress of one of my oil paintings.
This is the painting I currently have on my easel. It is a 16"x 20" linen canvas and I'm working in oil. When I paint from photos I almost always paint from the computer screen rather then printed photos. It's more convenient and I can zoom in and out on the section I'm currently working on.
The source material for this painting is a photo I took at Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO a year or two ago. The gentleman's name is Frisco Jack, at least that was the name on his guitar strap. He was playing and singing some of the old time favorites for a small audience, most of which were singing along with him. I did a little bit of "googling" to see if I could find him and I found several Frisco Jacks but not the one I'm painting.
As you can see I have completed the under painting and let it dry. I started working on the face last night. I'll be working on it tonight as well so we'll see how things progress.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Everyday Matters 138 - Draw something soft

One of the things I have resolved to do this year is spend more time sketching and drawing. One thing I'm using to help channel that a bit is a weekly challenge called Everyday Matters. There are a huge group of artists out on the web who are actually participating in this activity which was started by Danny Gregory.
The Teddy Bear above is my first attempt at the weekly challenge. It's a sketch I did last night of a little Boyd's Bear I have had sitting on my nightstand for years now. The assignment was to draw something soft so what better than a Teddy Bear.
It was a bit more of a challenge to do since our dachshund, "Liebshon" wanted to sit on my lap while I did it. She likes to rest her head on my arm which made it even more of a challenge.
I'll be publishing my future attempts here as well as the past 137 challenges that I need to catch up on. It should give me a great excuse to fill up my Moleskine®.

"EDM #138 - Teddy Bear" - Moleskine®/Pentel R.S.V.P.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Play Me A Memory" has a new home

Hello everyone -
My painting "Play Me A Memory" has a new home and I must say it looks great on Greg and Juliah's wall. I'm always happy when one of my pieces gets to take up residence some place other than my tiny studio. Thanks Greg and Juliah, there are others in my studio looking for a new home. =)
On another note, I told myself that I was going to spend a bit more time blogging about various things related to art this year than last. I wanted to put up a new painting with every blog entry but I may resort to posting other things of interest (at least to me.) So keep watch as the year progresses. You just never know what might show up here.
All for know (afk).