Saturday, January 12, 2008

Everyday Matters 138 - Draw something soft

One of the things I have resolved to do this year is spend more time sketching and drawing. One thing I'm using to help channel that a bit is a weekly challenge called Everyday Matters. There are a huge group of artists out on the web who are actually participating in this activity which was started by Danny Gregory.
The Teddy Bear above is my first attempt at the weekly challenge. It's a sketch I did last night of a little Boyd's Bear I have had sitting on my nightstand for years now. The assignment was to draw something soft so what better than a Teddy Bear.
It was a bit more of a challenge to do since our dachshund, "Liebshon" wanted to sit on my lap while I did it. She likes to rest her head on my arm which made it even more of a challenge.
I'll be publishing my future attempts here as well as the past 137 challenges that I need to catch up on. It should give me a great excuse to fill up my Moleskine®.

"EDM #138 - Teddy Bear" - Moleskine®/Pentel R.S.V.P.

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