Friday, February 1, 2008

Everyday Matters No. 1 through 6

I have enjoyed doing these little assignments from the Everyday Matters list. I've just been doing one every day and they typically only take fifteen to twenty minutes to do so, I do them during my lunch hour. These little sketches were done with a Pentel ballpoint pen in a small Moleskine sketch I keep with me at all times. I'm sure that the ballpoint pen ink is not archival so one hundred years from now these sketches will probably disappear or eat through the paper or something.
Now just a little about each of the drawings:
1. Draw your shoes
2. Draw a desk lamp - This is actually a lamp that sits on an end table in our basement. The shade is out of proportion to the rest of the lamp.
3. Draw your wallet, purse or bag - This is actually my camera bag.
4. Draw a mug or coffee cup - This is a giant mug I got at Disney World. It actually holds about a half of a pot of coffee. Needless to say I don't actually use it, but I thought it was fun.
5. Draw your bed - This is the side of the bed I sleep on and yes those are my feet in the corner.
6. Draw your favorite well-loved object - I love a well squeezed tube of paint.
Well, that's it for now. I actually have completed fourteen of these sketches but I'm only going to post 6 at a time so, watch for more. Give it a try yourself, it takes the guess work out of trying to decide what to draw on a daily basis.

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