Thursday, April 24, 2008

Red and White
30x24 inch
Gallery Wrap Canvas
Just a reminder to everyone who reads this blog (that is if there is anyone who reads this blog) I'm having a show at Coutts Memorial Art Museum in El Dorado, KS from May 2 -28, 2008. The artist's reception is Friday, May 2nd from 6:00-8:00pm and I'll be doing a gallery talk at 7:00pm. Oh yes, and if you happen to see my wife that evening tell her Happy Birthday!
Hope to see you there...that is if there is a You out there.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Quick Study - Small Oil Painting

5x5 inch Oil/Panel
I did this little quick study of Mr. Robert Zimmerman (aka: Bob Dylan) last night. It took about an hour to throw down. I'm sure most of you are probably thinking that's just what it looks like too, something you threw down. I like to do little studies like this from photos off of the internet. I do, however, want to make it clear that I don't sell these little studies because that would be an infringement upon the photographer's's probably an infringement just painting it. Forgive me if it is. Unfortunately I don't know who the photographer actually is or I would give them credit here.
I find it important to do these little quick studies. It helps me put a stroke down as accurately as I can and then leave it alone. I'm notorious for mushing paint around until I have a big pile of mud.
I managed to accomplish that for the most part on this one. I think there's a little resemblance to the legendary troubadour, who by the way just won a Pulitzer...what are your thoughts?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"A Moment of Grace" - Oil on Panel

"A Moment of Grace"
24x12 inch
$440 Framed

I have painted this a couple of times because it is one of my favorites. I find myself drawn to the image of bread and wine...the Eucharist really. The image is primarily a cruciform with the bread and wine at the center. The cloth that forms the base is unfinished at the bottom getting more complete and a purer white as it ascends toward the bread and wine. It is only by God's grace through His Son Jesus Christ that we are made complete. I pray "A Moment of Grace" speaks to you.

"Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." - 1 Corinthians 11:25

This painting is part of my up coming exhibit at Coutt's Memorial Museum of Art in El Dorado, KS, May 2 - 28, 2008. If you are in the area come and see the show.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tips and Tricks Passed Along

This is a tip I found on Michael Shane Neal’s blog. If you don’t like the messy goop that builds up in your can when you’re cleaning brushes take a zip lock baggy and place it in the can. When you’re ready to clean up the can just recycle the turps or odorless mineral spirits or whatever you use to clean brushes and throw the baggy away. Thanks Michael for the tip and the photo.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

William Tell Triptych in Oil

William Tell Was Here
5x5" Oil/Panel Unframed
$75 (S/H included in USA)
I truly love the work of Karin Jurick and I've watched her blog as she posted a series of paintings with an alphabetic theme. I was thinking about "A" and of course apple was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't want to paint just any old apple and then it hit me, how about an apple with an arrow through it (like I'm sure that's never been done before). Oh yes, and it would be a triptych rather than just one painting. Well, anyway here it is. I had to borrow an arrow from Jim Strader who is a friend of mine (thanks Jim!)
If I actually do the alphabet series I'll probably do something different the "A" is for Apple. We'll see...I still have a few apples without arrows through them.
E-mail me if you are interested.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Celebrate - Small Oil Painting

Celebrate -
Oil/Canvas/Panel 7x5" -
$50 Unframed (s/h included in USA)
This is a quick little oil sketch of a champagne bottle (technically it should be called sparkling wine.) I almost didn't post this piece because it's not particularly colors I am drawn to, but someone out there might like it, so here it is. Contact me if you're interested.
Very soon I'm going to start posting these little paintings on eBay. I'll let you know when I'm ready to start doing that.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Kansas Academy of Oil Painters at City Arts

Members of the Kansas Academy of Oil Painters are exhibiting at City Arts in Old Town, Wichita, KS. City Arts is a great space to exhibit. The artist's reception is this evening so stop by and take a peek at the paintings. You never know, you might just find one you can't live without.

City Arts is at 334 N Mead, Wichita, KS
The Artist's Reception is tonight: Friday, April 4 from 6-8pm

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Small Oil Painting - Cork and Cork Screw

Cork and Cork Screw - Oil/Panel 5x7" - $50 Unframed (includes s/h in USA)
This is a quick little painting I did last week. It's actually on a surface that is new to me: Panelli a Olio. It is an oil primed panel and I liked the way the paint went on to the surface; it's definitely different than a gessoed panel.
If you're interested in this painting contact me.