Saturday, April 12, 2008

William Tell Triptych in Oil

William Tell Was Here
5x5" Oil/Panel Unframed
$75 (S/H included in USA)
I truly love the work of Karin Jurick and I've watched her blog as she posted a series of paintings with an alphabetic theme. I was thinking about "A" and of course apple was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't want to paint just any old apple and then it hit me, how about an apple with an arrow through it (like I'm sure that's never been done before). Oh yes, and it would be a triptych rather than just one painting. Well, anyway here it is. I had to borrow an arrow from Jim Strader who is a friend of mine (thanks Jim!)
If I actually do the alphabet series I'll probably do something different the "A" is for Apple. We'll see...I still have a few apples without arrows through them.
E-mail me if you are interested.

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