Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Quick Study - Small Oil Painting

5x5 inch Oil/Panel
I did this little quick study of Mr. Robert Zimmerman (aka: Bob Dylan) last night. It took about an hour to throw down. I'm sure most of you are probably thinking that's just what it looks like too, something you threw down. I like to do little studies like this from photos off of the internet. I do, however, want to make it clear that I don't sell these little studies because that would be an infringement upon the photographer's copyright...it's probably an infringement just painting it. Forgive me if it is. Unfortunately I don't know who the photographer actually is or I would give them credit here.
I find it important to do these little quick studies. It helps me put a stroke down as accurately as I can and then leave it alone. I'm notorious for mushing paint around until I have a big pile of mud.
I managed to accomplish that for the most part on this one. I think there's a little resemblance to the legendary troubadour, who by the way just won a Pulitzer...what are your thoughts?

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