Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Apple Bowl" - 8x8in Oil/Panel

Apple Bowl
8x8in Oil/Panel
Unframed, Free Shipping in USA

This is a small painting I did a week or so ago. I primarily wanted to see if I could handle the various reds as well as the shadows on the bowl. I used an almost top view as my perspective on this which flattened out the bowl a bit but I think over all it works pretty well. It's definitely more colorful them most of my other paintings. I like that.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Odd Duck" SOLD

The exhibit at Coutts Memorial Art Museum ended yesterday and one of my favorite little paintings sold. I will miss this odd little duck, but I'm sure it's going to a good home.
Thanks to everyone at Coutts for a good show a special thank you goes out to Mary Binford Miller and Nancy Whitaker for sharing the show with me.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


4x6 in. Oil/Plywood
This is a tiny landscape I painted last night. It's of an old farm house a few miles from where I live. I've actually painted it before. When your painting this small it's definitely difficult to do any level of least for me. It was fun.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Grapes on White

Grapes on White
4x5 in. Oil/Plywood

This is a little sketch I did recently of some green grapes. They were pretty tasty.

Friday, May 23, 2008

On and Off

"On and Off"
5x7 inch Oil/Canvas Panel
(unframed, includes shipping in USA)
I am a big fan of Carol Marine's paintings. I love her loose brushwork and clean color. It is so not like how I paint. I had a couple of apples handy and a little time on my hands so I thought I would set up a still life with a "Marine perspective" and see if I could capture that "something" she does on the canvas. I don't think I'm even in the same town much less the same ball park, but it was fun!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dave The Painting Guy - Dave Darrow

I have watched Dave Darrow paint for quite some time now and frankly I should have blogged about him before now. He is a fabulous painter of portraits as well as other genres. His brushwork is full of grace and precision. I personally think you'd be hard pressed to find a better portrait artist (no he's not paying me to say all of this.)

But wait there's more....

Just in the last couple of weeks he has started painting before a live audience (an internet audience that is) as Dave The Painting Guy. If you enjoy watching a professional artist at work in his studio and would occasionally like to ask as stupid question (like me) or two, then you need to tune in. You can go to and find out when he is planning to paint again and then go get registered to log in and chat.

If watching live doesn't fit your schedule, he also had previously recorded sessions you can watch as well. He is very generous with his knowledge and experience. Overall he's a good instructor. I hope to be able to attend one of his workshops sometime in the future, we'll see.

In the mean time, see you at Dave's!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today I wanted to quickly tell you about an eNewsletter I get every week. The newsletter comes from a website called and it is literally packed full of information for both the beginning arts and the advanced artist. There are some incredible articles about selling art over the web, about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and everything else you can think of relating to the internet.

The website doesn't just focus on selling art and websites. There is plenty of other information on this site. If you are serious about your art, there is a wealth of information for you at

I've been receiving the eNewsletter for sometime now and I'm just now beginning to try and apply some of the things I've learned. Gooooood Stuff!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Shave and a Haircut ..

Shave and a Haircut..
5x7 inch
This little painting will soon be on eBay so keep watching because soon I'm going to be posting several small paintings on eBay.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Coutt's Memorial Art Museum - Exhibit

We had a wonderful time at the artist reception for the exhibit at Coutts Memorial Art Museum in El Dorado, Kansas, this past Friday evening. Mary Binford Miller, Nancy Whitaker and myself were all present for the reception along with around 40 other people. The ladies from the museum indicated that we had a good attendance. I did a gallery talk on the subject of Relationships within the context of Art. As a part of that talk I read a neat children's book entitled "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. The talk was well received. I also did a drawing for 2 small oil paintings; one went to Jim Clements and the other to a lady named Dixie Rose.

If you haven't had a chance to view the exhibit it will be up until May 28th. Stop by and see it and let me know your thoughts. ss