Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today I wanted to quickly tell you about an eNewsletter I get every week. The newsletter comes from a website called www.emptyeasel.com and it is literally packed full of information for both the beginning arts and the advanced artist. There are some incredible articles about selling art over the web, about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and everything else you can think of relating to the internet.

The website doesn't just focus on selling art and websites. There is plenty of other information on this site. If you are serious about your art, there is a wealth of information for you at www.emptyeasel.com.

I've been receiving the eNewsletter for sometime now and I'm just now beginning to try and apply some of the things I've learned. Gooooood Stuff!


Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying seeing what you're doing with your art. Very nice work. Todd Cox

Skeet Sirmons said...

Todd -

I just found your comment. Thanks for the complement. Are still painting? What's your contact info. You can e-mail me at sirmons@sutv.com.