Monday, May 5, 2008

Coutt's Memorial Art Museum - Exhibit

We had a wonderful time at the artist reception for the exhibit at Coutts Memorial Art Museum in El Dorado, Kansas, this past Friday evening. Mary Binford Miller, Nancy Whitaker and myself were all present for the reception along with around 40 other people. The ladies from the museum indicated that we had a good attendance. I did a gallery talk on the subject of Relationships within the context of Art. As a part of that talk I read a neat children's book entitled "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. The talk was well received. I also did a drawing for 2 small oil paintings; one went to Jim Clements and the other to a lady named Dixie Rose.

If you haven't had a chance to view the exhibit it will be up until May 28th. Stop by and see it and let me know your thoughts. ss

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