Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dave The Painting Guy - Dave Darrow

I have watched Dave Darrow paint for quite some time now and frankly I should have blogged about him before now. He is a fabulous painter of portraits as well as other genres. His brushwork is full of grace and precision. I personally think you'd be hard pressed to find a better portrait artist (no he's not paying me to say all of this.)

But wait there's more....

Just in the last couple of weeks he has started painting before a live audience (an internet audience that is) as Dave The Painting Guy. If you enjoy watching a professional artist at work in his studio and would occasionally like to ask as stupid question (like me) or two, then you need to tune in. You can go to and find out when he is planning to paint again and then go get registered to log in and chat.

If watching live doesn't fit your schedule, he also had previously recorded sessions you can watch as well. He is very generous with his knowledge and experience. Overall he's a good instructor. I hope to be able to attend one of his workshops sometime in the future, we'll see.

In the mean time, see you at Dave's!

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